Monday 1/23 | News, Notes, and Links

  • If you haven't seen already, Jonathan Mayo of revealed his top ten first base prospects, and Pirates 2011 draft selection Alex Dickerson is number nine of the list. Definitely good to see a prospect not named Cole, Taillon, Bell, or Heredia getting some recognition.
  • Patrick Reddick (the photoshop wonder-kin who made my blog's banner) has an article on how he actually found a way to project the Pirates to win 83 games in 2012. While it may not be the best way to project a team, we'll take any positive news we can get.
  • Prince Fielder may be close to finding a new home. First came this article about how the Dodgers might have a shot, but there was also this: some Twitter reports late last night that said Fielder may have reached an agreement with the Nationals (although that's probably not a credible source). It's midnight as I write this, and it's not going to post until the morning, so there's a chance that a deal could have already been announced, so check other sources.
  • A blog called 60 Feet 6 Inches has a post about how it still pays to be left handed in which he talks about how ridiculous the Oliver Perez signing seems for the Seattle Mariners. I've always found it intriguing how much more advantageous it is for a pitcher to be left-handed.
  • I'm trying to keep count of how many times ESPN shows the David Tyree catch over the next two weeks, so if you see it on, please tweet me and tell me you saw it and what time you did so. Thanks.
  • Today is the birthday of one of my best friends, Paul Notarianni. All he wants is some more twitter followers, so hit him up @ThePaulFather and wish a brother a Happy 22nd Birthday.
  • There's really not much else to tell here. Yesterday was all about football, but now we have two weeks to wait until the Super Bowl, and if you aren't into the NBA or NHL, this could be a long 14 days for you. Hang in there sports fans. Use this opportunity to work really hard in school or at your job for a few days, that would be kinda cool right?