Pirates Running Out of Luck? Braun Wins Appeal

Last December I was so happy that Braun failed that drug test that I made a really immature post about him having herpes. I justified that immaturity with the fact that nobody in Pittsburgh likes Ryan Braun and it was okay to derail guys who cheat. However, now the worst thing that could have happened has happened, and Braun somehow won his appeal. There are no details as to why he won his appeal, but he'll be playing the full season and now we have to watch people feel sorry for him for being falsely accused and whatnot.

I really don't like Ryan Braun. I think he's an arrogant jerk, however, for now I can't sit here and accuse him of cheating, and that really sucks. We all love having someone to hate, and Braun was that guy. Obviously we all still hate him, if not more than usual right now (for unfair reasons), but we can't sit here and call him a cheater. For whatever reason, Braun won his appeal and we should be fair to him and just kind of forget it ever happened.

At least Prince Fielder isn't coming back.