Justin Verlander 10/3 Pitch F/X

Justin Verlander struck out 11 Yankees in a winning effort tonight to put his team up 2-1 in the best-of-five series. I did pitch F/X for every Pirates starter pretty much every night of the 2nd half of the season, so let's see what Verlander's looked like tonight:

Pitch TypeAvg SpeedH-BreakV-BreakCountStrike/%
4-Seam 97.1 -7.86 10.76 47 30/68.83%
Change 88.2 -10.31 6.21 20 8/45.00%
Slider 87.75 2.75 0.55 12 9/75.00%
Curve 82.25 6.87 -7.97 15 8/53.33%
2-Seam 95.72 -10.98 9.77 26 18/69.23%