
To borrow some words from Martin Luther King Jr., I have a dream.

A dream of attaining 1,000 twitter followers, and a dream of attaining them by the end of this week. Click the following link to help my dream come true.


Right now it's Monday morning around 1:00, and I have 555 twitter followers. By next Sunday at 11:59, I really want to have 1,000. It's a long shot, I know, but America was born on long shots. They said we'd never get to the moon. They said blacks and whites would never live in peace with one another. They said @McEffect couldn't get 445 new twitter followers in 7 days. We've achieved those first two, so let's get the 3rd one done as well.

Throughout the week I will be tweeting a lot and looking for my favorite tweets. I will be making at least post a day here with my "McTweets of the day". At the end of the week I will also give out a grand prize of 15 dollars to my favorite tweeter (and you thought college kids don't have money).

So we're gonna get it started right now. Here are some of my favorite tweets so far tonight, after the introduction of #McTwitterWeek, click the picture to follow that tweeter:

@shamtown is off to a fast start with 3 really solid tweets. Keep 'em coming Rich.

Also props go to @pek28 who had a funny tweet, but it had a naughty word in it so I didn't want to post it here.

I should also throw in a pair of tweets that I laughed at a couple days ago and saved:

Big ups to @MikeShaeffer, because everybody loves a good That's What She Said.

So that's it for Monday morning's #McTwitterWeek update. Please, please, please follow me @McEffect and tweet at me often. Try to funny for your chance to win $15 and possibly more. Much more to come throughout the week.

Oh, and let's go Bucs.