Friday 4/6 | News, Notes, and Links

  • Today is the first of the Pirates 21 off days this season (including the four day all-star break). For the first time in six years the Bucs are 0-1 as they move towards game number two.
  • I'm sure you didn't miss it, but just in case you did here's a recap of yesterday's 1-0 loss to the Phillies. Here's some video highlights.
  • Don't forget that I post the Pirates starter's pitch f/x data after every start. Get acquainted with it by checking out Bedard's numbers from yesterday.
  • Every Friday is "Flashback Friday", and my co-writer Drew Brown does nice work on these weekly posts. Click here to check out this week's article on Ryan Howard, and click here to view the whole series.
  • The "Mc" Effect t-shirts were a hit yesterday at PNC Park. If you don't have one yet, you aren't as cool as you could be. I only have smalls, mediums, and larges available right now though. Buy one today.
  • Two Pirates single A teams lost yesterday. The Bradenton Marauders won in ten innings by the score of 3-2. Gift Ngoepe was three-for-five with two runs scored. The West Virginia power lost an offensive game 11-9 after Nick Kingham had a rough go of it and was not able to get out of the third inning. Alen Hanson was 3/4 with a home run and a double.